
Accademia del Ridotto

The Accademia del Ridotto will make four types of study grants available to students who are up to date with the payment of course fees::
– Scholarships for deserving students
– Scholarships for low income students
– Study grants to reduce registration, subscription and/or course fee
– Study grants to improve the professional activities in Italy and abroad (i.e. partial reimbursement of travel and board costs when participating in international music contests; extra appearance fees in case of concerts for important music institutions etc.)

Applying for a Scholarship

The objective of our Scholarships and Financial Support Programs is to help students with strong potential for academic success to pursue higher education that would not be possible otherwise. Students interested in being considered for the Accademia del Ridotto’s Scholarships must apply for admission by submitting all documents proving their low income if required.
Consistent with the available budget and other constraints, scholarships will be granted to students who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Talent, motivation, adequate preparation and exemplary character
  • Significant results in studies
  • Concerts and theatrical engagements
  • Awards in Music Competitions, auditions etc.
  • Availability for concerts and collaboration in the activities of the Academy
  • Evidence of financial need

Ask for a Scholarship

    Il sottoscritto/a
    I, the undersigned

    regolarmente immatricolato all'Accademia del Ridotto, chiede di poter accedere alle borse di studio che l'istituzione dovesse eventualmente mettere a disposizione.

    regularly enrolled at the Accademia del Ridotto, apply for a scholarship, if available.


    Elenca i concerti/produzioni più importanti che puoi vantare nel tuo curriculum, specificando per ciascuno di essi l'ente organizzatore, l'anno e il luogo di svolgimento, la rassegna (se disponibile), il titolo e la tipologia di esibizione (1. concerto strumentale o vocale solistico; 2. concerto strumentale o vocale solistico con orchestra; 3. concerto strumentale o vocale cameristico; 4. performance come membro di un'orchestra o di un coro; 5. ruolo principale d'opera; 6. ruolo comprimario d'opera; 7. altro)
    Please list the most important concerts / productions in your career, specifying for each of them the Organizing Body, the year and place, the Festival's name (if available), the title and the type of performance (1. instrumental or vocal solo concert; 2. instrumental or vocal solo concert with orchestra; 3. instrumental or vocal chamber concert; 4. performance as a member of an orchestra or choir; 5. principal role in opera; 6. supporting role in opera; 7. other)

    Elenca i più importanti premi che hai vinto in concorsi nazionali ed internazionali di musica
    Please list the most important awards you have won in national and international music competitions